Quiénes somos
Notre Dame Belmont es una escuela secundaria ejemplar de preparación universitaria para chicas.
Distinguished Academics
Voted Best Private High School in SF Bay Area
Notre Dame Belmont has been voted Best Private High School of the San Francisco Bay Area. SFGATE spotlights the top-tier businesses and schools that make our Bay Area community shine, and Notre Dame Belmont won the public vote as best private high school!
Named Best Private High School Near Santa Clara
SF Gate has named Notre Dame Belmont one of the best private high schools near Santa Clara. Private high schools on this list have an A+ rating from Niche.com, a 4-star rating from a minimum of 60 combined reviews from Niche, Google and Private School Review.
AP Honor Roll Gold Designation
The AP School Honor Roll offers four levels of distinction: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. NDB has been designated as Gold. With 217 students who took 452 AP exams, 71.43% scored a three or higher on at least one AP exam.
AP Computer Science Female Diversity Award
NDB has earned the College Board's AP® Computer Science Female Diversity Award for expanding young women’s access to AP Computer Science. This award acknowledges 1,127 schools for their work toward equal gender representation during the 2022-23 school year. NDB is one of only 834 schools to be recognized for achieving this important result in AP CSP.
NDB students achieved 100% pass rate on the following AP Exams, exceeding CA and global scores!
Donde niñas con sueños se convierten en mujeres con visión.
Los estudiantes del NDB persiguen su sueño de convertirse en agentes de cambio y líderes innovadores, comprometidos con la justicia social. La educación del NDB no consiste simplemente en formar la mente de un estudiante, sino en formar un espíritu humano compasivo.
El sello distintivo de la educación en Notre Dame capacita a las jóvenes para:
Proclamar la bondad de Dios
Proclamamos con nuestras vidas, incluso más que con nuestras palabras, que Dios es bueno.
Dignificar a todos
Honramos la dignidad y el carácter sagrado de cada persona.
Actuar por la paz y la justicia
We educate for and act on behalf of justice, peace and care for all creation.
Compromiso de servicio
Nos comprometemos con el servicio a la comunidad.
Abrazar la diversidad
Abrazamos el don de la diversidad.
Crear Comunidad
Creamos comunidad entre aquellos con quienes trabajamos y con quienes servimos.
Aprender para vivir
Desarrollamos comunidades de aprendizaje holístico que educan para la vida.
Nuestra misión
Notre Dame Belmont is an independent Catholic college preparatory school dedicated to the educational mission of St. Julie Billiart and the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. We are a caring and compassionate community committed to promoting justice and peace while developing responsible young women of active faith, strong intellect, and Christian leadership. We develop the gifts and talents of each student and foster Gospel values in an environment of academic excellence and mutual respect.
Valores fundamentales
Una red mundial
La Congregación de las Hermanas de Notre Dame de Namur está presente en 16 países de los cinco continentes. Las Hermanas continúan la misión de proclamar la bondad de Dios y educar para la vida como lo hizo Santa Julie.