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Boosters Club

Un jugador de softball corre hacia otra base


La misión de Boosters Club es proporcionar apoyo financiero y promover la participación activa de los padres / tutores, estudiantes y la comunidad en el programa deportivo en Notre Dame Belmont. NDB Athletic Boosters es un grupo de padres / tutores, abuelos, ex alumnos y otros amigos que apoyan los programas deportivos con su tiempo, energía y talento. Los ingresos de los fondos recaudados durante todo el año financian una variedad de necesidades del departamento de atletismo en NDB.
Un jugador de waterpolo sostiene el balón por encima de un adversario


Boosters Club se reúne cada segundo martes del mes durante todo el año académico a las 5:30 p.m. (social), 6 a 7 p.m. Boosters se reúnen en la Sala de Conferencias NDB Maher, situado junto al comedor. La cena se proporciona en cada reunión. Por favor apoye al Departamento Atlético de NDB asistiendo a estas reuniones. ¡Asegúrese de traer a otro padre de NDB con usted!  

Noche de cangrejo y casino

The NDB Community enjoys delicious food, live music and casino games each year at Crab and Casino night while raising money for NDB Athletics. Learn more.
Four parents play casino game
mom and daughter smile with crab bibs on
adults play casino game
Four adults pose at Crab and Casino photo booth
An adult couple poses at Crab and Casino photo booth
Head of School and Director of Athletics smile
Student volunteers smile at Crab and Casino Night
Adults play casino games
Adults play casino games
Student volunteers smile at Crab and Casino Night
Adults dance
Adults dance and smile
Adults dance and smile
Couple smiles
A student smiles while holding a baby
Adults play casino games
Dinner table at Crab and Casino Night
Two men smiling and eating crab
Couple smiles at Crab and Casino Night
Adult cheers at casino game table
Crab and Casino games

Tigres sobre el verde

Birdie! Sporting bright and goofy golf team attire, the NDB Community hits the green to raise money for NDB Athletics each year at the Tigers on the Green golf event. Learn more.
Tigers on the Green Golf Tournament Participants
Tigers on the Green Golf Tournament Participants
Tigers on the Green Golf Tournament Participants
Tigers on the Green Golf Tournament Participants
Tigers on the Green Golf Tournament Participants
Tigers on the Green Golf Tournament Participants
Tigers on the Green Golf Tournament Participants
Tigers on the Green Golf Tournament Participants
Golfer hits ball
Golfer hits ball
Tigers on the Green Golf Tournament Participants
Tigers on the Green Golf Tournament Participants
Golfer sets up to hit ball
Tigers on the Green Golf Tournament Participants
Table with program
Three adults smile
Couple smiles
Three golfers smile
Golfer looks at silent auction items
Two golfers smile with drinks
Two golfers smile with Head of School
Two golfers smile
Two golfers smile
Three golfers smile
Parent smiles with Head of School
Golfers smile
Banquet room full of people with tables