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Acontecimientos destacados

Winter Formal  A Night in New York


Winter Formal: A Night in New York

February 1, 2025
Crowne Plaza, Foster City

Be whisked away to an evening in New York City!


Noche de cangrejo y casino


Noche de cangrejo y casino

February 8, 2025 | NDB Moore Pavilion

Save the date for NDB's Annual Crab and Casino Night. Join us for an evening of delicious food,  casino games and music in support of NDB Athletics. 


Royal Masquerade Ball & Auction


Royal Masquerade Ball & Auction

March 22, 2025 | 5 p.m. | NDB Moore Pavilion 

Join us for a Royal Masquerade Ball and Auction in support of NDB education. 


Disney Newsies The Broadway Musical


Spring Musical Disney's Newsies

March 28-30, April 4-5 | Serra Auditorium

Newsies is a performance you don't want to miss, packed with non-stop thrills and a timeless message, perfect for the whole family and every audience. 



How to Add Individual Events to Your Google Calendar

  1. First, view the school calendar on Google. 
  2. Once on the Google calendar, click on the title of any event, and then click "Copy to my calendar"

How to Add the NDB Calendar to Your Calendar on Apple, Outlook, or Other Default App.

1. Click the grey icon at the top right corner of the calendar below.
2. Scroll over the green "iCal" button next to "NDB Calendar Full View."
3. Click "Add to Default Calendar App."

Vista del calendario

Domingo Lunes Martes Miércoles Jueves Viernes Sábado
Sunday, January 26
Monday, January 27
B (C1)
Colaboración estudiantil
Wednesday, January 29
B (C1)
Lunar New Year
Friday, January 31
B (C1)
Saturday, February 1
Winter Formal

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