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Congratulations to Newly Elected 2024-25 Student Body Officers

ASB Officers 2024-25
  • Events and Activities

Congratulations to our newly elected 2024-25 Associate Student Body (ASB) Officers: Nina Wall, Bella Svanberg, Hailey Degnan, Hailey Kockos, Luci Caron and Emilia Luis! 

ASB is a group of dedicated student representatives who are elected by their peers to represent the student body. As the ultimate merri-makers and spokespeople on campus, ASB Officers plan and lead rallies, spirit days and school activities, ensuring the school year is fun and memorable for everyone. They participate in monthly spirit assemblies, manage monthly meetings with student council representatives and make daily morning and homeroom announcements.

Bella Svanberg
Nina Wall
Hailey Kockos
Emilia Luis
Hailey Degnan
Luci Caron